
Starting as a side project in Mr. Bede’s shop while the engineering department was occupied with other tasks, the BD-6 was designed and flown in the mid-1970s. It was constructed with the same bolt-together angle method as the BD-4. The high-wing, all-metal, single place, aircraft incorporated a Hirth engine (the same engine utilized briefly for the BD-5) and a 2/1-belt reduction drive that applied all the functions of the BD-4 into a condensed single-seat craft.

The prototype had a cruising speed of 149 MPH and recorded over 150 flight hours with excellent results. Unfortunately in 1993, the prototype, was damaged in a flood in St. Louis, but was rebuilt after a short time.The BD-6 is still undergoing a painstaking restoration process. The BD-6 is closely related to the BD-17 in overall size and even incorporates some of the same parts, but features its own set of complexities that make this plane unique. The BD-6 plans are currently updated and all parts are available. There are two recommended engines, the 60 HP HKS or 80 HP Jabiru. The BD-6 is one of the simplest, low-cost home-built aircraft available and is truly a fun sport airplane ready to meet the new sport category requirements.





BD-6 Fuselage Package = Item # BD6B001 —  $2,748.90

Kit includes all formed aluminum angles, center section, and hardware and all 2024-T3 aluminum required for fuselage assembly.

BD-6 Metal Wing Package 10′ = Item # BD6B002: —  $8,338.80

Kit includes all precut honeycomb ribs, wing spars, formed rear spar, formed wing skins, new fuel pickup system, Proseal, electric fuel senders, flap and aileron skins, mahogany ribs, and aileron torque tube.

BD-6 Landing Gear Package = Item # BD6B003: — $4,394.50

Kit includes landing gear struts, material for nose gear strut, formed landing gear box, nose wheel, main gear wheels, brakes, tires and tubes, aluminum support angles, master cylinder, brake lines and all hardware.

BD-6 Control System Package = Item # BD6B004: — $4,394.50

Kit includes all internal control cables, bearings, push/pull rods, rudder pedals, hardware, all aluminum for the horizontal and verticle tail.

BD-6 Finishing Package = Item # BD6B005: — $2,750.00

Kit includes Plexiglas, wing tips, vertical and horizontal tips, and all hardware.

BD-6 Complete Package = Item # BD6B010: — $19,738.40

Complete BD-6 kit with some savings for purchasing the entire kit at once.